SNP: CG is replaced with TA
If one SNP is discovered in many people: it's polymorphic (common variant)
- A is converted into G
- But codon designates "Ala"
- G is converted into A
- And it produces different protein
- This is general case
- People in general case have much enzymes for digesting drug
- Bad effect of drug can be reduced
- Only small amount of drug affects body
Inspect all SNPs which human being has and create dbSNP
dbSNP: SNP database
- How to create refSNP
- rs104894764 is SNP in XIAP gene
- rs104894764 single nucleotide variation SNP
- 2 strands
- This part can be called G or C based on strand
- This database speaks data based on upper strand (Fwd strand)
- In RefSNP DB, it's G or T in forward strands
- In other words, many people have G but there is some people who have T
- "Ancestral Allele:G" means common ancester of human being has G
- How to know it?
If mammalian animals have G in common, researchers can say human ancester would also have G
- Variant (such as G is converted into T) can cause disease
This is important information
- NP: protein
- NC: chromosome
- 1-22
- 23: sexual chromosome X
- 24: sexual chromosome Y
- In X chromosome
- 123,019,864 th base pair
- "originally G" is converted into T as SNP
- 11 version (newer version than 10 version)
- Contents itself is same but the coordination of SNP base pair is different
- 123,886,014 th base pair (800000 base pairs are added from the version 10)
- "originally G" is converted into T
- NM: messenger RNA
- c: coding
- 352th base pair in mRNA's coding region
- 118th amino acid in protein
- "originally Glu amino acid" is replaced with "Ter (terminating)" codon
- Why there are 2 mRNA? Due to alternative splicing
- Version information
- annotation is contained in XIAP gene
- Changed base
- Changed protein
4 SNPs
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