- Let's search SNP named as
Click SNP
Click SNP ID
- Some people has A, some other people have G
- Chromosome, X, 123886270th base pair
- XIAP is intron variant (or missense variant) which causes amino acid changes,
- Nonsense variant is the case where termination codon is created?
23th chromosome (X chromosome)
123020120th base pair
"originally G" is changed to A
coding codon: 608th
- 203th location Cys is changed to Tyr
- missense: case where amino acid changes
- nonsense: case where "termination" codon is created
- To specific this variant,
- 2 base pairs are used
- left 30 bp sequence from SNP
- right 30 bp sequence from SNP
- By using above 2 as PCR primer,
- you perform PCR on DNA
- Then, some people show A, and some other people show T
- which is variant SNP
- Unlike above example, this case has 2 50 bp sequences
50 bp
50 bp
R: variant of A or G
- Nucleotide symbols degenerate
R: pu[r]ine group bases; A or G
Y: p[y]rimidine group bases; C or T
Easier search with specifying database (SNP)