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X chromosome
Configure "Base position"
Put the "Base position"
Click Search
rs387... reference SNP's ID
Click rs387... reference SNP's ID
RefSeq accession numbers
To represent sequence of genomic molecules, use NC
To represent mRNA sequence, use NM
To represent protein sequence, use NP
To represent non-coding RNA sequence (which doesn't code the protein), use NR
To represent mRNA and protein sequence, but when it starts with "X", it's a model
NC: chromosome
Search NC_000023
GRCh38: RefSeq version 38
Database becomes Nucleotide
Total size of this DNA: 156040895 bp
Linear DNA
12-MAR-2015: updated date
Version: 11
- Split X chromosome into 9 pieces
- Sequence and analyze them in individual teams
Let's search the data with NM_001167
8460 bp mRNA
Version: 3
CDS: coding sequence
1...159: non coding sequence
ATG: starting codon
Translate "3 base pairs" into protein
1...159: 5' UTR
1654...: 3' UTR
UTR: untranslated region
In this mRNA, 608th base pair has potential variant (G ---> A)
c608: in coding sequence, 608th base pair
160th base pair: start base
- Calculation
160th bp, 1th coding base
xth bp, 608th bp has potential SNP
This G is converted into A in SNP
Find "amino acid position" of this SNP
This SNP occurs in 203th codon
Cys is converted into Tyr