Copy reference_sequence_of_mRNA and search it
In Nucleotide database, paste above reference_sequence_of_mRNA
This transcript variant 2 is a bit short than transcript variant 1 (8460 bp)
|127-1620|=1494, size of coding-sequence
transcript variant 1
|160-1653|=1494, size of coding-sequence
Click CDS
- taa: terminating codon
Back to the first page
- 608th base pair in coding sequence
608 (meaning 608th base pair in coding sequence) + 127 - 1 = 734
734th base pair is variant in terms of entire mRNA sequence
- Let's find following codons
2 NMs (mRNA) creates 2 NPs (proteins), by using translation
- mRNAs
- Proteins
- mRNA
- protein
- gene which is composed of 4 axons?
- Splicing: introns are removed, axons are gathered
- After axons gathers, "alternative splicing" happens,
creating "spliced form (or isoform)"
- Case1: red axon is removed
- Case2: all axons are used
- Case3: green axon is removed
- There are much more variations