This is personal study note Copyright and original reference are from: ================================================================================ - Consider the relationship between 'Author' and 'Text' - Cardinality 'One author' can have 'multiple texts' (N) 'One text' can have 'multiple authors' (M) - Optionality 'One author' can have 'no text' (optional) 'One text' must have 'author' (mandatory) - Table scheme Author id name 1 kim 2 park 3 lee Text id text 1 The journey of life 2 The beatiful sea 3 Let it go Author_Text id author_id text_id 1 1 1 2 1 2 3 3 1 4 3 2 5 3 3 author () : text (N) author () : text (optional) author (M) : text (N) author (mandatory) : text (optional) ================================================================================ "Author" and "text" has N:M relationship ================================================================================ Kim wrote 3 texts Lee wrote 2 texts ================================================================================ Original: ================================================================================ - In "topic" table, write "author" information Due to duplicated values, it breaks RDB functions like join, search, query, ... ================================================================================ - In "author" table, write "topic" information This also breaks RDB paradigm ================================================================================ - To resolve above issue, you should create "mapping table"