bikesharingdemand What can you compare in a shell script file? - numbers, strings - return value from the command (if return value is 0, it means command was success) - whether some file exists? what is the access permission of that file? ====================================================================== You can use if statement in one line if TEST_COMMANDS; then COMMANDS; fi You can use if statement in multiple lines if condition then statements elif condition then statements else statements fi ====================================================================== Test on files if [-f /etc/passwd ]; then ACTION fi -e file: check whether the file exists -d file: check whether the file is a directory -f file: check whether the file is a regular file (like not a symbolic link, directory, device node, etc) -s file: check whether the file is non-zero size -g file: check whether the file has sgid set -u file: check whether the file has suid set -r file: check whether the file is readable -w file: check whether the file is writable -x file: check whether the file is executable ====================================================================== if [ string1 == string2 ]; then ACTION fi if [ string1 != string2 ]; then ACTION fi #!/bin/bash echo "Enter any color code for red or yellow or green, For example, type R or Y or G: " # read input from the user # and assign passed parameter into COLOR variable read COLOR echo $COLOR # section that compares the entry and disply a message # if you use $COLOR, it can lead to the situation where <[ == "R" ]> # which is syntax error # So, you use "" to make <if [ "" == "R" ]> if [ "$COLOR" == "R" ] then echo "STOP. LEAVE WAY FOR OTHERS" elif [ "$COLOR" == "Y" ] then echo "GET READY YOUR WAY WILL BE OPEN SHORTLY" elif [ "$COLOR" == "Y" ] then echo "MOVE.. IT IS YOUR TURN TO GO" else echo "INCORRECT COLOR CODE" fi ====================================================================== You can do numerical test by using following operators inside of [ ] -eq: equal to -ne: not equal to -gt: greather than -lt: less than -ge: greather than or equal to -le: less than or equal to ====================================================================== You can perform arithmetic expression in a shell script file by using 3 ways 1. Use expr utility # expr 8 + 8: performs the opertion # $(expr 8 + 8): Get value itself by referencing echo $(expr 8 + 8) 2. Use $((...)) (mostly used) echo $((x+1)) 3. Use let let x=(1+2); echo $x ====================================================================== vim #!/bin/bash echo "put your age: " read AGE # ||: or if [ $AGE -lt 20 ] || [ $AGE -gt 50 ] ; then echo "Sorry, your are out of the age range" elif [ $AGE -gt 20 ] || [ $AGE -lt 30 ] ; then echo "You are in 20s" elif [ $AGE -gt 30 ] || [ $AGE -lt 40 ] ; then echo "You are in 30s" elif [ $AGE -gt 40 ] || [ $AGE -lt 50 ] ; then echo "You are in 40s" fi sudo chmod +x ./