There are very much options in GCC But there are only some of options which you often use ====================================================================== To compile, use -c To speficy output object file name, use -o <filename> To include debugging symbols, use -g To make GDB friendly output, use -ggdb To print all (or most) warnings, use -Wall To be stubborn about standards, use -ansi and -pedantic To do optimizations, use -O, -O<numbers> ====================================================================== Compiler path options -I<dir>: include directory for compiler to search for included files (like header file which is used for program). You can use -I option mutiple times. -L<dir>: to make comilier search directory to find Libraries. You can use -I option mutiple times. -l: link to lib; -lfoo links to if exists, or to libfoo.a as a second choice so: shared library file a: static library file ====================================================================== Compiler preprocessor options GCC uses preprocessor by calling it. -E: GCC orders only preprocessor work to process macros (other parts (compiler, assembly, link) won't work) -Ddef: pass definitions to codes in command (same with using #def in code) -Udef: Undefine def ====================================================================== Warning is important -v: verbose mode, gives version number, various infomation -w: supress warning as much as possible -W: more verbose warnings -Wall: prints all (or most) warnings ====================================================================== compiler debugging options -g: include debugging information, pass debugging info to gbd -pg: provide "profile information" (like which parts consume much time) for gprof ====================================================================== Compiler input output options -c: stop after creating object files, don't perform link step (preprocessor -> compile -> aseembly creating object file) In other words, don't attatch library files -o<file>: output is file; craete object file in that name; default is a.out ====================================================================== Compiler control options Compiler control options are needed because C language syntax changes in time. -------------------------------------------------- -ansi: compile given code supposing given code is written in c90 C standard, if other syntax is used, create error Using -ansi is equivalent to -std=c90 -------------------------------------------------- -pedantic: gcc compiler has various extensions. Don't use those extensions. you compile c code by using pure C standard syntax -------------------------------------------------- -std=c99: compile given code with supposing given code is written in ISO C99 standard ISO C99 standard is latest standard (in 2016) -------------------------------------------------- -static: don't use shared library but use static library, suppress linking with shared library -------------------------------------------------- -O[level]: optimization level; 0 1 2 3 , default is 1 much used case is 2 -Os: optimize for reducing file size ====================================================================== Common combination of options -O2 -Wall -pedentic - make sure you understand any warnings - don't use -pedentic when compiling Linux kernel, which uses many GCC extensions ======================================================================