xa002: directory for common codes
In some cases, you can use only "xa002" without using xa002.Android, xa002.iOS, ...
The codes written in xa002 are automatically converted into the codes which can run on each platform
Additionally, you also can add codes for only each platform
App.xaml: this makes Android, iOS, Windows start with the "same way" (controlling code)
MainPage.xaml: consists of main page, UI part, "draw button"
MainPage.xaml.cs: takes in charge of function, Coding part, "when button clicked, how that click is processed?"
Change the text of "Welcome to Xamarin.Forms!" to what you want
Let's create button
Since Android and iOS emulator are slow, select UWP emulator
Let's add "event (Clicked)" and "event handler (Button_Clicked)" to the button
When above button is "clicked", run function "Button_Clicked"
Button_Clicked() is defined in MainPage.xaml.cs
Let's add code in Button_Clicked()
private void Button_Clicked(object sender,EventArgs e)
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Button is clicked");
Click local computer