JHKim - OpenCV lecture

Build source codes with OpenCV 3.2, Cuda Toolkit 8.0, CMake 3.8.0, TBB 2017
Build source codes, Configure environment, Execute test code
What does computer vision library do?
Start OpenCV
001_004. Use Mat class, Create arrays
001_005. Perform arithmetic operation on Mat objects
001_006. Read image from disk, Create empty window, Sobel edge filter, Horizontal flip
001_007. Access pixel value, Change pixel value
002_001. Load and show image and video
002_002. Various ways to copy an image into Mat
002_003. Get pixel value from grayscale image and 3 channel image
002_004. Access pixel using at and data
002_005. Access pixel using ptr and MatIterator
002_006. Write image and video files
002_007. Matrix operations with Mat class
002_008. Linear algebra operations, Solver, Eigen value, Vector, SVD
deal with Mat with cpu and gpu
003_001. Draw various kind of objects, line, circle, polyline, text on image, etc
mouse event
point processing (constant_operation, parallel_processing_for_point_adding)
point processing (arithmetic operation on 2 entire images)
point processing (subtract video frames)
point processing, bit operations (and,or,xor,not) on image, setTo(), copyTo()
point processing, noise generation on image

sykim-process image and pattern recognition

step of digitalizing analog signal
structure of digital image
4 types (modes) of digital image, binary, color, grayscale, multi-spectral
overview computer vision and image processing
point operation-arithmetic operation, grayscale transformation
point operation-histogram(stretching,shrinking,sliding,equalization)
gray-level thresholding
image segmentation
image segmentation
image segmentation
011 morphology operation, dilation, erosion, opening, closing, structuring element
012 overview of image transform
013 image discrete transform : Discrete Cosine Transform, Fourier transform