032-001. positinal argument, variable argument, *args, unpacking list and tuple
Positional argument mean way of putting arguments into method in order
In other words, positions of argument are settled
print(10, 20, 30)
# 10 20 30
# Since we pass 10,20,30 into pass(), displaying is also 10 20 30
def print_numbers(a, b, c):
# print_numbers(10, 20, 30)
# 10
# 20
# 30
# When you pass arguments in order, you can use list or tuple
# To do this, you can use * in front of list or tuple and pass it into method
x = [10, 20, 30]
# 10
# 20
# 30
# You can see displaying 10 20 30 even if you only pass list containing 10, 20, 30
# It means if you use * in front of list or tuple, it's unpacked,
# then it works like print_numbers(10, 20, 30)
# It literally means we unpack list or tuple
# You can also use * in front of list instead variable containing list
print_numbers(*[10, 20, 30])
# 10
# 20
# 30
# What you should note is that the number of arguments of method and the number of elements of list(tuple) should be same
# If the numbers are not same, you can't invoke method
# print_numbers() requires 3 argument
# So, this code makes error
print_numbers(*[10, 20])
# Traceback (most recent call last):
# File "", line 1, in
# print_numbers(*[10, 20])
# TypeError: print_numbers() missing 1 required positional argument: 'c'
# Funtionalities of positional argument and unpacking list(tuple) are used to make variable argument which is not determined its number of argument
# That is, you can pass one argument, 10 arguments, or non argument into same method
# You can make variable argument by using * in front of argument of method
def print_numbers(*args):
for arg in args:
# You can name any name but customarily we use args shrinked from arguments
# 10
# I pass multiple arguments manually into method
print_numbers(10, 20, 30, 40)
# 10
# 20
# 30
# 40
x = [10]
# 10
# I pass list containing multiple arguments which will be automatically unpacked into method
y = [10, 20, 30, 40]
# 10
# 20
# 30
# 40
# You can use positional argument and variable argument at the same time
# You first designame positional argument, then, you can designate variable argument
def print_numbers(a, *args):
# 1
# ()
print_numbers(1, 10, 20)
# 1
# (10, 20)
print_numbers(*[10, 20, 30])
# 10
# (20, 30)
# Note that *args shouldn't be located in front of positional argument
# In order of argument, *args should be located in last position