036-002. attribute, __init__(), magic method, special method, instance attribute, *args, **kwargs, __slot__
# When you create attribute, we can assign attribute value into self.attribute variable in __init(self)
class ClassName:
def __init__(self):
self.attribute = attribute_value
class Person:
def __init__(self):
# I create hello attribute and assign 'Hello, world' into hello attribute
self.hello = 'Hello, world'
def greeting(self):
# I pass value of hello attribute into print()
james = Person()
# output:
# Hello, world
# When you create instance by using "Person()" syntax, __init__() in Person class is invoked
# In other words, __init__() initialzies instance
# Methods which are appended 4 underscores are methods which Python automatically invokes
# They're called as "magic method" or "special method"
# From now on, when we use various functionalities in Python, we will use those functionalities by putting values into these special methods
# "self" mean specific instance itself
# When you create instance, that instance is added by value('Hello, world') of hello attribute
# The value which is passed into self of __init__() can be said instance of Person("Person()")
# And finally created Person instance is assigned to variable james
# After this, whenever you invoke any methods in Person instance, created and initialized instance is passed into parameter of method
class Person:
def __init__(self):
self.hello = 'Hello, world'
def greeting(self):
# We will talk about how to designate value when you create instance
class 클래스이름:
# For that, we should make parameters next to "self" parameter
def __init__(self, parameter_1, parameter_2):
# And then, you should add created parameters into self.attribute in __init__()
self.attribute_1 = parameter_1
self.attribute_2 = parameter_2
class Person:
def __init__(self, name, age, address):
self.hello = 'Hello'
self.name = name
self.age = age
self.address = address
def greeting(self):
print('{0}. My name is {1}.'.format(self.hello, self.name))
alice = Person('Alice', 20, 'US, OHIO')
# Hello. My name is Alice
print('Name:', alice.name)
print('Age:', alice.age)
print('Address:', alice.address)
class Person:
def __init__(self, name, age, address):
self.hello = 'Hello'
self.name = name
self.age = age
self.address = address
def greeting(self):
print('{0}. My name is {1}.'.format(self.hello, self.name))
# I create Persone instance with passing values
alice = Person('Alice', 20, 'US, OHIO')
# When you access to attribute inside of class, you used self.attribute
# When you access to attribute outside of class, you can use instance.attribute
print('Name:', alice.name)
print('Age:', alice.age)
print('Address:', alice.address)
# Attribute which can be accessed to via instance is called instance attribute
# Tip
# We call attribute and method which are located in class "member"
# In this case, attribute(hello, name, age, address) and method(greeting()) are members of Person class
int, list, dict are also class
# What we did is that we created instance of each class and then used methods from each instance
a = int(10)
# 10
b = list(range(10))
# [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
c = dict(x=10, y=20)
# {'x': 10, 'y': 20}
# Since we use int class too much, Python allows us to use int class without creating instance
# It's also same with list and dictionary
# We can them simply with [] and {}
# But note that they're all classes
b = list(range(10))
# [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 20]
# In Python, all data types are class
# So, you can confirm which class some instance comes from by using "type(instance)"
a = 10
b = [0, 1, 2]
c = {'x':10, 'y':20}
maria = Person()
# Tip
# The difference between instance and object
They're impossible with Person_Object1, Person_Object2, ...
They're possible with Person_Instance1, Person_Instance2, ...
# *args
class Person:
def __init__(self, *args):
self.name = args[0]
self.age = args[1]
self.address = args[2]
maria = Person(*['maria', 20, 'US, OHIO'])
# **kwargs
class Person:
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.name = kwargs['name']
self.age = kwargs['age']
self.address = kwargs['address']
maria1 = Person(name='maria', age=20, address='US, OHIO')
maria2 = Person(**{'name': 'maria', 'age': 20, 'address': 'US, OHIO'})
# I add attribute after created instance
class Person:
# I create Person instance
maria = Person()
# I add name attribute and its value maria
maria.name = 'maria'
# 'maria'
# Importantly note that attribute which is added in this way is created only inside of corresponding instance
# I create Person instance
james = Person()
# Traceback (most recent call last):
# File "", line 1, in
# james.name
# AttributeError: 'Person' object has no attribute 'name'
# Since you can add attribute after created instance, you can add attribute viw other method than __init__()
# But note that in this case, attribute is only created after invoking method
class Person:
def greeting(self):
# I add hello attribute inside of greeting()
self.hello = 'Hello'
# I create Person instance
maria = Person()
# maria instance doesn't have hello attribute yet
# Traceback (most recent call last):
# File "", line 1, in
# maria.hello
# AttributeError: 'Person' object has no attribute 'hello'
# I add hello attribute by invoking greeting()
# 'Hello'
# There can be cases you want to add value of particular attributes via instance
# For this, you can use __slot__ variable storing list in class to allow particular attributes to be added into attribute
__slots__ = ['attribute1_you_can_add_its_value', 'attribute2_you_can_add_its_value']
class Person:
# I allow only 'name' attibute and 'age' attibute to be added into value of attribute
__slots__ = ['name', 'age']
maria = Person()
maria.name = 'maria'
maria.age = 20
# This will make error
maria.address = 'US, OHIO'
# Traceback (most recent call last):
# File "", line 1, in
# maria.address = 'US, OHIO'
# AttributeError: 'Person' object has no attribute 'address'