047-004. matplotlib, plt.show() # @ # If you use %matplotlib inline, # you don't need to use matplotlib.pyplot,show(), # to draw graph %matplotlib inline import pandas as pd import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # This code is for configuring korean language font # First, you get font font_name=mpl.font_manager.FontProperties(fname='C:/Windows/Fonts/malgun.ttf').get_name() # Second, you configure font mpl.rc('font',family=font_name) # Data was written in "euc-kr" dataframe=pd.read_csv('weather.csv',index_col='point',encoding='euc-kr') # 서울,25.6,30 # 백령도,18.4,62 # You extract "big city" column data, # to create dataframe city_dataframe=dataframe.loc[['서울','인천','대전','대구','광주','부산','울산']] # You can configure various options for graph # You create subplot instance on city_dataframe, # and you assign that subplot instance into ax variable ax=city_dataframe.plot(kind='bar',title='날씨',figsize=(12,4),legend=True,fontsize=12) # You configure xlabel on ax variable ax.set_xlabel('도시',fontsize=12) ax.set_ylabel('기온/습도',fontsize=12) ax.legend(['기온','습도'],fontsize=12) # @ ax=city_dataframe.plot(kind='bar',title='날씨',figsize=(12,4),legend=True,fontsize=12) ax.set_xlabel('도시',fontsize=12) ax.set_ylabel('기온/습도',fontsize=12) ax.legend(['기온','습도'],fontsize=12) # If you don't use %matplotlib inline, # you can use matplotlib.pyplot.show()