001-4. Operator - if statement
@ # Day_01_03_if.py # I want to know value of a is either odd or even a = 13 # If you devide some value by 2, remainder is either some value or 0 # In terms of programming, when you devide value by 2, and it doesn't create remainder, it is even print(a%2) # In Python, after colon, you need indent in next line which writes detailed contents if a%2 == 1: print('홀수') else: print('짝수') # If a=13, a%2 = 1, 1 is true if a%2: print('홀수') else: print('짝수') # If a=13, 13 is true if a: print('홀수') else: print('짝수') if a: print('홀수') # Quiz # You get one number between 0 to 999 # and guess how many digits do that number have a = input('number : ') print(type(a)) # output: string a = int(input('number : ')) # Suppose a = 128 a = 128 print(type(a)) # if statement chooses one out of two # But this quiz is quiz to choose one out of three # Method1 if a >= 100: print(3) if 100 > a >= 10: print(2) if 10 > a >= 0: print(1) # Method2 if a >= 100: print(3) else: # print(2, 1) if a >= 10: print(2) else: print(1) # Method3 a1, a2, a3 = bool(a//100), bool(a//10), bool(a//1) print(a1 + a2 + a3) # Method4 digit = 1 # if a >= 100: digit = digit+1; a = a // 10 # if a >= 10: digit = digit+1; a = a // 10 if a >= 10: digit = digit+1; a = a // 10 if a >= 10: digit = digit+1; a = a // 10 print(digit) if a >= 100: print(3) elif a >= 10: print(2) else: print(1) if a >= 100: print(3) else: # print(2, 1) if a >= 10: print(2) else: print(1) print('end') # whitespace(space, newline, tab) is ignored by Python interpreter # print( 'hi') # print( # 'hi' # ) # print( # 'hi') # Python one line syntax if a >= 100: print(3) else: if a >= 10: print(2) else: print(1) # Whitespace is ignored by Python interpreter if a >= 100: print(3) else: if a >= 10: print(2) else: print(1) # We can elevate if line if a >= 100: print(3) else:if a >= 10: print(2) else: print(1) # We can remove duplicated colon, then, we get "else if" syntax if a >= 100: print(3) else if a >= 10: print(2) else: print(1) # Python provides elif syntax if a >= 100: print(3) elif a >= 10: print(2) else: print(1) # If you should choose one out of 9 options, # you need 9 if # Skilled ones make algorithms to remove if statement # 문제 # 2개의 정수 중에서 큰 숫자를 찾는 함수를 만드세요. # return 키워드 여러 번 사용 가능. def max2(a, b): # if a >= b: # return a # else: # return b # if a >= b: # return a # return b if a >= b: b = a return b