012. excel with python # @ # 자치단체 행정구역 및 인구현황 # www.index.go.kr/potal/main/EachDtlPageDetail.do?idx_cd=1041 # Save as same name and 'Excel 통합문서 format' # @ # Excel file is called book # and there can be lots of sheets in excel file # Spreadsheet is composed of rows and columns # @ # You first install openpyxl module # which will be used to read excel file in python pip3 install openpyxl # @ import openpyxl # First, you need to open excel file(book) book = openpyxl.load_workbook("stats_104102.xlsx") # For a referernce, you can use various methods which start with get # Check them out by typing book.get # For example, you can bring name of sheet by book.get_sheet_names() # You can bring specific sheet by informing its name # with book.get_sheet_by_name('stats_104102') # And you can bring sheets by another way as following sheet = book.worksheets[0] for row in sheet.rows: for data in row: # I delimit each end part of value by white space print(data.value, end=" ") print("", end="\n") # @ # I will try to write data onto excel by python # First, I need to create Workbook instance workbook = openpyxl.Workbook() # I bring active sheets in workbook sheet = workbook.active # I write data onto excel file sheet["A1"] = "test file" sheet["B1"] = "hello" sheet.merge_cells("A1:C1") sheet["A1"].font = openpyxl.styles.Font(size=20, color="FF0000") # Finally, I save written excel instance as excel file workbook.save("newFile.xlsx")