# What is actor critic network?
# So far we have learned single output network,
# which produces Q-values(in case of Value Iteration),
# or action policy (in case of Policy Iteration)
# What if we can use both value functions and policy functions?
# That's how actor-critic methods were developed.
# It turns out if we use both,
# we can learn more complex systems.
# In this notebook, we will implement simple policy gradient actor-critic methods
# @
# Structure of Actor Critic Networks
# There are two networks: actor network and critic network in actor-critic architecture
# img 2018-05-07 10-08-00.png
# Actor network:
# This network chooses action!
# It takes input of game state,
# and produces outputs action policy (as in policy-gradient)
# Critic network:
# This network is value network
# Critic network takes same input as actor network,
# and produces current state value
# @
# From pervious lectures
# We used policy gradient methods that is to find policy $$$\pi$$$
# $$$\text{maximize } E[R|\pi]$$$
# $$$\text{where } R= r_{0} + r_{1} + \dots + r_{\tau-1}$$$
# We use gradient estimator
# $$$\hat{g} = \nabla_\theta \log{ \pi (a_{t} | s_{t};\theta)} \cdot R_{t} $$$
# $$$\text{where } R_t = \sum\limits_{t'=t}^{T-1} \text{(discount_rate)}^{t'-t} \cdot \text{(reward)}_t$$$
# Above gradient estimator means,
# we boost probability of action which returns high rewards
# @
# Problems
# Above method is however not stable,
# because step size of gradients can be very large,
# and once we overshoot,
# our agent will collect trajectories based on bad policy
# @
# Solution
# In order to solve high variance problems,
# we will use $$$A_t$$$ instead of $$$R_t$$$
# $$$A_t$$$ is called advantage function
# What is advantage function?
# We know Q function and Value function.
# Q function maps state $$$s$$$ to action $$$a$$$ value which is how good action $$$a$$$ is
# Value function maps state $$$s$$$ to value that shows how good input state $$$s$$$ is
# Therefore, we can write two functions as following:
# $$$ Q(s, a) = V(s) + A(a) $$$
# $$$ A(a) = Q(s, a) - V(s) $$$
# A(a) is definition of advatage function.
# We are trying to find how good action $$$a$$$ is by subtracting value function V(s)
# Hence, we need to change gradient estimator $\hat{g}$ to following:
# $$$\hat{g} = \nabla_\theta \log \pi(a_t | s_t; \theta) \cdot A_t $$$
# where,
# $$$A_t = Q(s_t, a') - V(s_t)$$$
# $$$A_t = R_{t} - V(s_t)$$$
# @
# Notes
# Its performance is still not great because it has few flaws
# 1. We have to learn $$$V(s)$$$ first
# And learning $$$V(s)$$$ can be difficult because it requires careful reward enginneering
# 1. Every trajectories is highly correlated
# In order to deal with these problems,
# we will later discuss various methods
# such as TRPO(Trust Region Policy Optimization) or A3C(Asynchronous Actor Critic Networks)
import numpy as np
import gym
import tensorflow as tf
slim = tf.contrib.slim
class ActorCriticNetwork:
""" Actor Critic Network
- 3 placeholders for policy
- S : state (shared)
- A : action one hot
- ADV : advantage value
- 2 placeholders for value
- S : state (shared)
- R : reward
- 2 outputs
- P : action policy, p(a | s)
- V : V(s)
>>> input_shape = [None, 4]
>>> action_n = 2
>>> hidden_dims = [32, 32]
>>> ac_network = ActorCriticNetwork(input_shape, action_n, hidden_dims)
def __init__(self, input_shape, action_n, hidden_dims):
# Policy Input
self.S = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=input_shape, name="state_input")
self.A = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, action_n], name="action_one_hot_input")
self.ADV = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None], name="advantage_input")
# Value Input
self.R = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None], name="reward_input")
self._create_network(hidden_dims, action_n)
def _create_network(self, hidden_dims, action_n):
net = self.S
for i, h_dim in enumerate(hidden_dims):
net = slim.fully_connected(net, h_dim, activation_fn=None, scope=f"fc-{i}")
net = tf.nn.relu(net)
# Policy shape: [None, action_n]
self.P = slim.fully_connected(net, action_n, activation_fn=tf.nn.softmax, scope="policy_output")
# Value shape: [None, 1] -> [None]
_V = slim.fully_connected(net, 1, activation_fn=None, scope="value_output")
self.V = tf.squeeze(_V)
def _create_op(self):
# output shape: [None]
policy_gain = tf.reduce_sum(self.P * self.A, 1)
# output shape: [None]
policy_gain = tf.log(policy_gain) * self.ADV
policy_gain = tf.reduce_sum(policy_gain, name="policy_gain")
entropy = - tf.reduce_sum(self.P * tf.log(self.P), 1)
entropy = tf.reduce_mean(entropy)
value_loss = tf.losses.mean_squared_error(self.V, self.R, scope="value_loss")
# Becareful negative sign because we only can minimize
# we want to maximize policy gain and entropy (for exploration)
self.loss = - policy_gain + value_loss - entropy * 0.01
self.optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer()
self.train_op = self.optimizer.minimize(self.loss)
class Agent:
""" Agent class """
def __init__(self, env, network):
""" Constructor
Open ai gym environment
Actor Critic Network
self.env = env
self.model = network
self.sess = tf.get_default_session()
self.action_n = env.action_space.n
def choose_an_action(self, state):
""" Returns action (int) """
feed = {
self.model.S: state
action_prob = self.sess.run(self.model.P, feed_dict=feed)[0]
return np.random.choice(np.arange(self.action_n), p=action_prob)
def train(self, S, A, R):
""" Train actor critic networks
(1) Compute discounted rewards R
(2) Compute advantage values = R - V
(3) Perform gradients updates
def discount_rewards(r, gamma=0.99):
""" take 1D float array of rewards and compute discounted reward """
discounted_r = np.zeros_like(r, dtype=np.float32)
running_add = 0
for t in reversed(range(len(r))):
running_add = running_add * gamma + r[t]
discounted_r[t] = running_add
return discounted_r
# 1. Get discounted `R`s
R = discount_rewards(R)
# 2. Get `V`s
feed = {
self.model.S: S
V = self.sess.run(self.model.V, feed_dict=feed)
# 3. Get Advantage values, = R - V
ADV = R - V
ADV = (ADV - np.mean(ADV)) / (np.std(ADV) + 1e-8)
# 4. Perform gradient descents
feed = {
self.model.S: S,
self.model.A: A,
self.model.ADV: ADV,
self.model.R: R
self.sess.run(self.model.train_op, feed_dict=feed)
# Tensorflow Reset
sess = tf.InteractiveSession()
# Gym Environment Setup
env_name = "CartPole-v0"
env = gym.make(env_name)
env = gym.wrappers.Monitor(env, "./gym-results/", force=True)
# Global parameters
input_shape = [None, env.observation_space.shape[0]]
action_n = env.action_space.n
print(f"input_shape: {input_shape}, action_n: {action_n}")
# Define A2C(Actor-Critic) and Agent
ac_network = ActorCriticNetwork(input_shape, action_n, [32, 32])
agent = Agent(env, ac_network)
# [2017-04-08 21:10:41,639] Making new env: CartPole-v0
# [2017-04-08 21:10:41,643] Clearing 26 monitor files from previous run (because force=True was provided)
# input_shape: [None, 4], action_n: 2
def preprocess_state(state_list):
""" Preprocess state list
Currently it's only used to reshape value
When single state is given, its shape is 1-d array,
which needs to be reshaped in 2-d array
return np.reshape(state_list, [-1, *input_shape[1:]])
def preprocess_action(action_list, n_actions):
"""Action -> 1-hot """
N = len(action_list)
one_hot = np.zeros(shape=(N, n_actions))
one_hot[np.arange(N), action_list] = 1
return one_hot
# Test codes
# tmp = np.zeros((32, *input_shape[1:]))
# np.testing.assert_almost_equal(preprocess_state(tmp), np.zeros([32, *input_shape[1:]]))
# tmp = np.zeros(*input_shape[1:])
# np.testing.assert_almost_equal(preprocess_state(tmp), np.zeros([1, *input_shape[1:]]))
# tmp = [0, 1]
# np.testing.assert_almost_equal(preprocess_action(tmp, 2), np.eye(2))
init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
# For checking if game is cleared
CLEAR_REWARD = env.spec.reward_threshold
for episode in range(MAX_EPISODES):
s = env.reset()
done = False
s_list = []
a_list = []
r_list = []
episode_r = 0
while not done:
s = preprocess_state(s)
a = agent.choose_an_action(s)
s2, r, done, info = env.step(a)
s = s2
episode_r += r
a_list = preprocess_action(a_list, action_n)
agent.train(np.vstack(s_list), a_list, r_list)
print(f"[Episode-{episode:>6}] {int(episode_r):>4}", end="\r")
# For line breaks
if episode % (MAX_EPISODES // 5) == 0:
# Check if game is cleared
if len(EPISODE_100_REWARDS) > 100:
avg_rewards = np.mean(EPISODE_100_REWARDS)
if avg_rewards > CLEAR_REWARD:
print(f"Game cleared in {episode}, average rewards: {avg_rewards}")
# [2017-04-08 21:10:42,119] Starting new video recorder writing to /home/kkweon/github/ReinforcementZeroToAll/gym-results/openaigym.video.0.12761.video000000.mp4
# [2017-04-08 21:10:43,292] Starting new video recorder writing to /home/kkweon/github/ReinforcementZeroToAll/gym-results/openaigym.video.0.12761.video000001.mp4
# [Episode- 0] 16
# [2017-04-08 21:10:43,998] Starting new video recorder writing to /home/kkweon/github/ReinforcementZeroToAll/gym-results/openaigym.video.0.12761.video000008.mp4
# [Episode- 7] 13
# [2017-04-08 21:10:45,072] Starting new video recorder writing to /home/kkweon/github/ReinforcementZeroToAll/gym-results/openaigym.video.0.12761.video000027.mp4
# [Episode- 46] 22
# [2017-04-08 21:10:46,212] Starting new video recorder writing to /home/kkweon/github/ReinforcementZeroToAll/gym-results/openaigym.video.0.12761.video000064.mp4
# [Episode- 107] 10
# [2017-04-08 21:10:47,241] Starting new video recorder writing to /home/kkweon/github/ReinforcementZeroToAll/gym-results/openaigym.video.0.12761.video000125.mp4
# [Episode- 209] 19
# [2017-04-08 21:10:48,925] Starting new video recorder writing to /home/kkweon/github/ReinforcementZeroToAll/gym-results/openaigym.video.0.12761.video000216.mp4
# [Episode- 337] 60
# [2017-04-08 21:10:51,951] Starting new video recorder writing to /home/kkweon/github/ReinforcementZeroToAll/gym-results/openaigym.video.0.12761.video000343.mp4
# [Episode- 507] 31
# [2017-04-08 21:11:00,967] Starting new video recorder writing to /home/kkweon/github/ReinforcementZeroToAll/gym-results/openaigym.video.0.12761.video000512.mp4
# [Episode- 722] 104
# [2017-04-08 21:11:09,900] Starting new video recorder writing to /home/kkweon/github/ReinforcementZeroToAll/gym-results/openaigym.video.0.12761.video000729.mp4
# [Episode- 993] 130
# [2017-04-08 21:11:25,444] Starting new video recorder writing to /home/kkweon/github/ReinforcementZeroToAll/gym-results/openaigym.video.0.12761.video001000.mp4
# [Episode- 1000] 200
# [Episode- 1996] 26
# [2017-04-08 21:12:26,066] Starting new video recorder writing to /home/kkweon/github/ReinforcementZeroToAll/gym-results/openaigym.video.0.12761.video002000.mp4
# [Episode- 2000] 146
# [Episode- 2363] 200
# Game cleared in 2363, average rewards: 195.15
# @
# Test run
for episode in range(100):
s = env.reset()
done = False
episode_r = 0
while not done:
if episode % 20 == 0:
s = preprocess_state(s)
a = agent.choose_an_action(s)
s2, r, done, info = env.step(a)
s = s2
episode_r += r
print(f"[Episode-{episode}] {int(episode_r)}", end="\r")
if episode % 20 == 0:
# [Episode-0] 198
# [Episode-20] 200
# [Episode-40] 200
# [Episode-60] 200
# [Episode-80] 200
# [Episode-98] 200
# [2017-04-08 21:13:16,119] Finished writing results. You can upload them to scoreboard via gym.upload('/home/kkweon/github/ReinforcementZeroToAll/gym-results')
# [Episode-99] 200