This is personal study note Copyright and original reference: ================================================================================ Suppose there are 2 variables Regression inspects "effect of one variable (cause)" to "other variable (result)" ================================================================================ Can you see the causality between advertisement_price and profit - By using "correlation analysis", you can see "correlation (like positive or negative correlation)" between 2 variables - By using "regression analysis", you can predict future data (like profit of 2016) based on past data (like profit of 2001-2015) - Or, by using "regression analysis", you can explain the relationship between "independent variable" and "dependent variable" ================================================================================ The concept of "dependent variable" and "independent variable" - Independent variable - It occurs by itself - It independently affects other variables "by itself", so, it's independent - Dependent variable - It's affected by independent variables, and then, it's changed ================================================================================ Simple regression analysis Simple regression analysis - Analysis method which analyzes "effect of independent variable X" to "dependent variable Y" - by using regression equation - Note that the number of "independent variable" is only 1 - For example, X: advertisement_price, Y: profit - If the number of "independent variable" is greater than 2, it's multiple regression analysis - For example, X1: advertisement_price, X2: the size of company, X3: the location of company, Y: profit ================================================================================ Different regression equation graph pattern in natural science/engineering and social science ================================================================================ How to calculate the slope $$$\beta_1 = \dfrac{\delta Y} {\delta X}$$$ ================================================================================ Residual $$$\epsilon$$$ $$$Y=\beta_0 + \beta_1 X_1$$$ can't fully explain the pattern of data So, you need to add residual term $$$\epsilon$$$ into regression equation $$$Y=\beta_0 + \beta_1 X_1 + \epsilon$$$ Residual $$$\epsilon$$$ tries to minimize the error between "predicted line" and "pattern of real data" Residual $$$\epsilon$$$ occurs randomly in its value