038_use_SSH_connection_on_github_to_use_it_without_login_session # ====================================================================== Secure Shell is not a tool for automatic login SSH is also protocol like HTML SSH just provides automatic login functionality as one of functionalities. # ====================================================================== # Run ssh-keygen # result Generating public/private rsa key pair. Enter file in which to save the key (/home/young/.ssh/id_rsa): # Enter # Enter You could generate password (key pair file) Note these files: id_rsa (private key), id_rsa.pub (public key) # ====================================================================== id_rsa (private key) file will be stored in your local PC. id_rsa.pub (public key) file will be stored in public server like github. # ====================================================================== How to store your public key file into github? # Copy key string by running cat id_rsa.pub Go to github, go to setting, go to ssh and gpg keys Click "new SSH key" In "title", you write name of "local PC" like "home dev mac" In "key", you paste the copied publich key string Click "add SSH key" # ====================================================================== Type add-ssh Copy ssh address git clone ssh-address Write yes