================================================================================ # @ # Install libraries # pip3 install pandas # pip3 install glob2 # @ import requests,operator,pandas,glob2 from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from datetime import datetime # This method crawls based on "date" and "pageCount" def crawlingData(date,pageCount): # You store current time into "now" ================================================================================ # Placeholder l=[] # If user inputs 4 as pageCount, total pages will be from 1 to 4 for pagecount in range(1,int(pageCount)): r=requests.get(""+str(date)+"&page="+str(pageCount)) c=r.content soup=BeautifulSoup(c,"html.parser") ================================================================================ # Find all tags of li all=soup.find_all("li") for item in all: # Find all tags of dl for item2 in item.find_all("dl"): d={} try: # Find one tag of dt, class name is "" dt_empty_class=item2.find("dt",{"class":""}) # Find one tag of a linkTag=dt_empty_class.find("a") ================================================================================ # Get value from attribute href d["LinkSrc"]=linkTag["href"] ================================================================================ # Get text data from linkTag d["Title"]=linkTag.text.\ replace("\t","").\ replace("\n","").\ replace(",","").\ replace('"',"").\ replace("\r","")[1:len(linkTag.text)+1] ================================================================================ # If there is no data with exception, assign "None" into value except: d["LinkSrc"]="None" d["Title"]="None" ================================================================================ try: # Find one tag of dd contentTag=item2.find("dd") d["Content"]=contentTag.text.\ replace("\t","").\ replace("\n","").\ replace("\r","").\ replace(",","").\ replace('"',"").\ split("…")[0] ================================================================================ d["Company"]=contentTag.find("span",{"class":"writing"}).text d["Date"]=contentTag.find("span",{"class":"date"}).text except: d["Content"]="None" d["Company"]="None" d["Date"]="None" try: imgTag=item2.find("dt",{"class":"photo"}).find("img") d["imgSrc"]=imgTag["src"] except: d["imgSrc"]="No image" # Append "d" into "l" per one for loop l.append(d) ================================================================================ df=pandas.DataFrame(l) df.to_csv('%s-%s-%s-%s-%s-%s.csv'%(now.year,now.month,,now.hour,now.minute,now.second), encoding='utf-8-sig',index=False) print("get datafile and save data successfully") ================================================================================ def loadFile(fileName): # This method first invokes checkFileName() # to check if "fileName" file already exists or not outputFileName=checkFileName(fileName) # -1 means no file if outputFileName is not -1: # Load csv file into dataframe df=pandas.read_csv(outputFileName) # Extract Content from dataframe content=df["Content"] # Extract Title from dataframe title=df["Title"] # Extract Company from dataframe company=df["Company"] print(company) print("csv fIle loaded successfully") else: print("error during csv file load") ================================================================================ # 사용자 입력값이 all이면 같은 경로의 모든 csv파일을 하나로 합치고,csv파일을 새로 만듦 # 그리고 만들어진 csv 파일을 리턴 def checkFileName(fileName): # If there is no file,it returns -1 if len(glob2.glob("*.csv"))==0: print("No file found in this directory") return -1 else: # If fileName which user input is all, # merge all csv file located in same directory, # create new csv file containing merge csv file if fileName=="all": result=[] # Bring all csv files for i in glob2.glob("*.csv"): # Read contents of csv file, # and append all contents into "result" result.append(pandas.read_csv(i)) # After appending all contents into "result", # designate file name outputFileName='%s-%s-%s-%s-%s-%s-merging.csv'\ %(now.year,now.month,,now.hour,now.minute,now.second) # Concatenate all elements into "result" # Assign concatenated one into "resultDf" resultDf=pandas.concat(result,ignore_index=True) # Create csv file resultDf.to_csv(outputFileName,encoding='utf-8-sig') # Return name of csv file return outputFileName else: return fileName ================================================================================ def mainSetting(): # Infinite loop until user inputs "exit" while (1): # Show input window kb=input("input exit or crawling or loadAll or load : ") # If user inputs "exit", while loop is terminated if kb=="exit": break # If user inputs "crawling", elif kb=="crawling": # Take "news date" from user date=input("input news date(format:20170101) : ") # Take "number of page" from user page=input("input news page(format:4) : ") # Invoke crawlingData() with passing "date" and "page", crawlingData(date,page) break ================================================================================ # If user inputs "loadAll", elif kb=="loadAll": # invokes loadFile() with passing "all" loadFile("all") break ================================================================================ # If user inputs "load", elif kb=="load": # Takes "csv file name" from user, fileName=input("input your csv file name: ") # invoke loadFile() with passing "filename" loadFile(fileName) ================================================================================ # If user inputs other commands, else: print("command is not defined") break