================================================================================ # BeautifulSoup proceeds request in backend layer # Selenium proceeds request via actual chrome browser # It means, if you don't explicitly hide browser window, browser will show up to user ================================================================================ # You can access to web page via chrome browser # You can bring all tags via css selector or xpath selector # If tag has id=py, you can order selenium to click that tag ================================================================================ # Using beautifulsoup and selenium together is much beneficial ================================================================================ from selenium import webdriver import time browser=webdriver.Chrome("/home/young/chromedriverfolder/chromedriver") browser.get("http://python.org") # id=top, from all childs, tag ul, class menu, from all childs, li menus=browser.find_elements_by_css_selector("#top ul.menu li") ================================================================================ pypi=None for m in menus: if m.text=="PyPI": pypi=m print(m.text) pypi.cli ck() time.sleep(5) browser.quit()