
137 universe
01. The history of the universe in terms of a temperature
02. The classification of the universe era
03. Relation between the last and the density in the universe
04. The music of the universe
05. Transform the timespace(about special relativity theory)
06. law of universal gravitation
07. Physics of a star(1)
08. Physics of a star(2)

01. Symmetry
02. 03. Go to biology
11. Story after symmetry broken (1)
25. Symmetry and appearance of a thinking
26. Symmetry and appearance of a thinking 2
27. Symmetry and physics
28. Symmetry and physics 2

What is core concept of quantum physics
Difference between vector and scalar
Boltzmann factor and Maxwell-and-Boltzmann disbribution
Write phase of wave function in mathematical form

Some astronomy
Moon phases
North star, movement of star, sun, earth