Machine Learning Theory


Short tutorials

KL divergence
Cross Entropy
Entropy, Shannon Entropy


JJ - Outline concept of a pattern recognition




005. Probability and statistics

006. Random variable, Probability distribution

007. Bayesian Decision Theory
  001 Key points:
  - Discrete random variable
  - Cumulitive distribution function
  - Probability mass function
  - Probability density function
  - Univariate gaussian probability density function
  - Multivariate gaussian probability density function
  - Covariance
  002 Key points:
  - Normal distribution
  - Central limit theorem
  - The reason that gaussian distribution is much used
  - Relationship between pattern of covariance and data's distribution
  004 Key points:
  - Statistical methods
  - Likelihood ratio test
  - Maximum likelihood estimation
  - Likelihood

008. Bayesian Decision Theory with multiple classes

009. Quadratic classifier
  001 Key points:
  - Various shapes of covariance matrix in Gaussian distribution function
  002 Key points:
  - Note
  003 Key points:
  - Note
  004 Key points:
  - Note
  005 Key points:
  - Note

010. Non-parametric density estimation
  10-04 Nonparametric density estimation
  10-05 Nonparametric density estimation

011. Clustering
  11-01 Clustring
  11-02 Clustring
  11-03 Clustring
  11-04 Clustring

012. Dimensionality reduction using PCA
  12-03 Short video 1 for the eigenvector and eigenvalue
  12-04 Short video 2 for the eigenvector and eigenvalue
  12-06 Dimentionality reduction by PCA(principle component analysis)

013. Dimensionality reduction using LDA
  13-01 LDA(linear discriminant analysis)
  13-02 LDA(linear discriminant analysis)
  13-03 LDA(linear discriminant analysis)
  13-04 LDA(linear discriminant analysis)


TAcademy - Machine Learning Concepts

04. Decision Tree
05. Suppor Vector Machine(SVM)
10. Recurrent Neural Net(RNN)
12. Example applications with an applied deep learning


CWLee - Deep learning concept

02. Regression and gradient descent
03. Gradient Descent & Normal Equation
04. Logistic Regression
05. Loss function in logistic regression
06. Implementing a neural net(NN)
07. Backpropagation in neural net
08. softmax function
09. Convolutional Neural Net(CNN)
10. CNN Back Propagation
11. Local Minima
12. Unsupervised Pre-training for CNN
13. RNN Introduction
14. Back Propagation in RNN


HWLee - Outline concept of a random process

01-01. Probability axioms and random variables
01-02. Probability axioms and random variables
02-01. Function of random variables, Definitions of convergence, Convergence in probability, Convergence with probability 1, Convergence in distribution
02-02. Function of random variables, Definitions of convergence, Convergence in probability, Convergence with probability 1, Convergence in distribution
03-01. Useful inequalities and law of large numbers. Central limit theorem. Markov inequality. Chebyshev inequality. Chernoff bound.
03-01. Useful inequalities and law of large numbers. Central limit theorem. Markov inequality. Chebyshev inequality. Chernoff bound.
04-01. Bernoulli process and Poisson process Definitions and properties of Bernoulli and Poisson processes
04-01. Bernoulli process and Poisson process Definitions and properties of Bernoulli and Poisson processes
05-01. Discrete-time Markov chains and steady-state behavior Definition, state transition probability, Markov property
06-01. Mixing time and midterm review Role of second largest eigenvalues and midterm review
06-01. Mixing time and midterm review Role of second largest eigenvalues and midterm review
07-01. M/M/1 queues Poisson arrival and exponential service, analysis of waiting times
07-01. M/M/1 queues Poisson arrival and exponential service, analysis of waiting times
08-01. M/G/1 queues and Pollaczek- Khinchin formula Definition of M/G/1 queue and derivation of Pollaczek-Khinchin formula
08-01. M/G/1 queues and Pollaczek- Khinchin formula Definition of M/G/1 queue and derivation of Pollaczek-Khinchin formula
09-01. Estimation theory and Expectation- Maximization (EM) algorithm Bayesian estimation, expectation maximization
09-01. Estimation theory and Expectation- Maximization (EM) algorithm Bayesian estimation, expectation maximization
10-01. Hidden Markov models (HMM) Modeling uncertain pheonomena using hidden Markov models
10-02. Hidden Markov models (HMM) Modeling uncertain pheonomena using hidden Markov models
11-01. Counting processes and Renewal processes Definition of counting and renewal processes, and analysis
11-01. Counting processes and Renewal processes Definition of counting and renewal processes, and analysis
12-01. Randomized algorithms Applications of probability and stochastic processes to randomized algorithms
12-01. Randomized algorithms Applications of probability and stochastic processes to randomized algorithms
13-01. Randomized algorithms and course review Applications of probability and stochastic processes to randomized algorithms
13-01. Randomized algorithms and course review Applications of probability and stochastic processes to randomized algorithms


DHKim - Data Science

2. Math for data science
(03) Advanced linear algebra
(04) Optimization using SciPy
(05) Probability theory
(06) Probability distribution
(07) Correlation relationship
(09) Test and inference

3. Regression ananalysis and Timeseries analysis
(01) Introduction to package and dataset for regression analysis

(02) Basic of linear regression

(05) Basis function and Normalization

(07) ARIMA time series model

4. Machine learning for data science
(09) Combining model (Ensemble)

(12) Optimize model and Practical classification

(15) Probabilistic graph model
(16) State space model
(17) Monte Carlo
(18) Mixture model and Variational inference

5. Deep learning for data science
(06) RNN

008-001. introduction to pandas
008-002. ID data, load csv, create csv, export csv
008-003. dataframe indexer, loc[], iloc[], at[], iat[]
008-004. dataframe manipulating data
010-001. nltk package for natural language processing
025-001. bernoulli distribution
031-001. meaning of test and parameter estimation
031-002. testing and p-value
045-001. K-Means clustring
048-002. naive bayes classification model


Terry - Deep Learning Topics



icmoon - Machine Learning Basic

001. Week 01. Motivations and Basics - 01. Motivation
002. Week 01. Motivations and Basics - 02. MLE(maximum likelihood estimation)
003. Week 01. Motivations and Basics - 03. MAP(maximum posteriori estimation)
004. Week 01. Motivations and Basics - 04. Probability and Distribution
005. Week 02. Fundamentals of Machine Learning - 01. Rule-Based machine learning
008. Week 02. Fundamentals of Machine Learning - 04. Entropy and Info. Gain
009. Week 02. Fundamentals of Machine Learning - 05. How to create a Disicion tree
010. Week 03. Naive Bayes Classifier - 01. Optimal Classification
011. Week 03. Naive Bayes Classifier - 02. Conditional Independence
018. Week 04. Logistic Regression - 05. How Gradient method works
061. Week 10. Sampling Based Inference - 01. Forward Sampling
2 Fundamentals of Machine Learning | Lecture 2 Intro. to Rule-Based
2 Fundamentals of Machine Learning | Lecture 3 Introduction to Decision Tree
3 Naive Bayes Classifier | Lecture 3 Naive Bayes Classifier

3 Naive Bayes Classifier | Lecture 4 Naive Bayes Classifier with Matlab

4 Logistic Regression | Lecture 1 Decision Boundary

4 Logistic Regression | Lecture 2 Introduction to Logistic Regression

4 Logistic Regression | Lecture 3 Logistic Regression Parameter Approximation 1

4 Logistic Regression | Lecture 4 Gradient method

4 Logistic Regression | Lecture 5 How Gradient method works

4 Logistic Regression | Lecture 6 Logistic Regression Parameter Approximation 2

4 Logistic Regression | Lecture 7 Naive Bayes to Logistic Regression

4 Logistic Regression | Lecture 8 Naive Bayes vs Logistic Regression

5 Support Vector Machine | Lecture 1 Decision boundary with Margin

5 Support Vector Machine | Lecture 2 Maximizing the Margin

5 Support Vector Machine | Lecture 3 SVM with Matlab

5 Support Vector Machine | Lecture 4 Error Handling in SVM

5 Support Vector Machine | Lecture 5 Soft Margin with SVM

5 Support Vector Machine | Lecture 6 Rethinking of SVM

5 Support Vector Machine | Lecture 7 Primal, Dual with KKT Condition

5 Support Vector Machine | Lecture 8 Kernel

5 Support Vector Machine | Lecture 9 SVM with Kernel

032. Week 06. Training, Testing, Regularization - 01. Overfitting, Underfitting
033. Week 06. Training, Testing, Regularization - 02. Trade-off relation between bias and variance

6 Training Testing and Regularization | Lecture 3 Occam’s razor

6 Training Testing and Regularization | Lecture 4 Cross Validation

6 Training Testing and Regularization | Lecture 5 Performance Metrics

6 Training Testing and Regularization | Lecture 6 Regularization

6 Training Testing and Regularization | Lecture 7 Regularization Approximation

7 Bayesian Network | Lecture 1 Probability Concepts

7 Bayesian Network | Lecture 2 Probability Theorems

7 Bayesian Network | Lecture 3 Interpretation of Bayesian Network

7 Bayesian Network | Lecture 4 Bayes Ball Algorithm

7 Bayesian Network | Lecture 5 Factorization of Bayesian networks

7 Bayesian Network | Lecture 6 Inference Question on B. Networks

7 Bayesian Network | Lecture 7 Variable Elimination

7 Bayesian Network | Lecture 8 Potential Function and Clique Graph

7 Bayesian Network | Lecture 9 Potential Function and Clique Graph

008 K-Means clustering and Gaussian mixture model

8 K-Means Clustering and Gaussian Mixture Model | Lecture 4 Multivar.

8 K-Means Clustering and Gaussian Mixture Model | Lecture 5 G.M.M

8 K-Means Clustering and Gaussian Mixture Model | Lecture 6 EM(Elimination-Maximization) step

8 K-Means Clustering and Gaussian Mixture Model | Lecture 7 Relation

8 K-Means Clustering and Gaussian Mixture Model | Lecture 8 EM(Elimination-Maximization)

8 K-Means Clustering and Gaussian Mixture Model | Lecture 9 Deriv. EM

009 Hidden markov model
010 Sampling Based Inference
  10 Sampling Based Inference | Lecture 1 Forward Sampling
  10 Sampling Based Inference | Lecture 3 Importance Sampling
  10 Sampling Based Inference | Lecture 4 Markov Chain
  10 Sampling Based Inference | Lecture 5 Markov Chain for Sampling
  10 Sampling Based Inference | Lecture 6 Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm
  10 Sampling Based Inference | Lecture 10 Gibbs Sampling for LDA (2)


ICMoon - Machine Learning Advanced

1 Variational Inference | Lecture 1

1 Variational Inference | Lecture 2

1 Variational Inference | Lecture 3

1 Variational Inference | Lecture 4

1 Variational Inference | Lecture 5

1 Variational Inference | Lecture 6

1 Variational Inference | Lecture 7

1 Variational Inference | Lecture 8

1 Variational Inference | Lecture 10

1 Variational Inference | Lecture 11

1 Variational Inference | Lecture 12

1 Variational Inference | Lecture 13

1 Variational Inference | Lecture 14

1 Variational Inference | Lecture 15

1 Variational Inference | Lecture 16

1 Variational Inference | Lecture 17

1 Variational Inference | Lecture 18

1 Variational Inference | Lecture 19

1 Variational Inference | Lecture 20

2 Dirhichlet Process | Lecture 1
2 Dirhichlet Process | Lecture 2
2 Dirhichlet Process | Lecture 3

2 Dirhichlet Process | Lecture 4

2 Dirhichlet Process | Lecture 5

2 Dirhichlet Process | Lecture 6

2 Dirhichlet Process | Lecture 7

2 Dirhichlet Process | Lecture 8

2 Dirhichlet Process | Lecture 9

2 Dirhichlet Process | Lecture 10

2 Dirhichlet Process | Lecture 11

2 Dirhichlet Process | Lecture 12

2 Dirhichlet Process | Lecture 13

2 Dirhichlet Process | Lecture 14

2 Dirhichlet Process | Lecture 15

2 Dirhichlet Process | Lecture 16

3 Gaussian Process | Lecture 1

3 Gaussian Process | Lecture 2

3 Gaussian Process | Lecture 3

3 Gaussian Process | Lecture 4

3 Gaussian Process | Lecture 5

3 Gaussian Process | Lecture 6

3 Gaussian Process | Lecture 7

3 Gaussian Process | Lecture 8

3 Gaussian Process | Lecture 9

3 Gaussian Process | Lecture 10

3 Gaussian Process | Lecture 11

3 Gaussian Process | Lecture 12

3 Gaussian Process | Lecture 13

3 Gaussian Process | Lecture 14

3 Gaussian Process | Lecture 15

3 Gaussian Process | Lecture 16

3 Gaussian Process | Lecture 17

3 Gaussian Process | Lecture 18

3 Gaussian Process | Lecture 19

3 Gaussian Process | Lecture 20

3 Gaussian Process | Lecture 21

4 Artificial Neural Network | Lecture 1

4 Artificial Neural Network | Lecture 2

4 Artificial Neural Network | Lecture 3

4 Artificial Neural Network | Lecture 4

4 Artificial Neural Network | Lecture 5

4 Artificial Neural Network | Lecture 6

4 Artificial Neural Network | Lecture 7

4 Artificial Neural Network | Lecture 8

Genetic algorithm


Local storage